Part Time Jobs in Nottingham September 2024

Nottingham has one of the largest NHS teaching trusts in England with a wealth of opportunities for healthcare jobs in the Nottingham area. With great partnerships between hospitals and the strong university scene in the area, there is wider scope for jobs and the need for specialist health care recruitment. As a place to work and live, it has global recognition and fame through the obvious Robin Hood legends, but it's history of real industry includes world class lace making with factories and heritage stretching back far further than the industrial revolution which transformed Great Britain in to a super power. Indeed, bicycles were manufactured here by Raleigh was founded in Nottingham and went on to also become world famous. The irony of the city's bike making scene coupling with increased bike accidents and subsequent increased A&E jobs and visits is plain to see. A beautiful area of the country with fantastic road and rail links and being central to the UK, means that family visits are far easier to Nottingham than other cities. With the lush history, friendly people and lively cultural scene, it's a good idea to wither begin your healthcare career here, or indeed simply enter your job titles and location in our search bar, for more and more great job opportunities through healjobs4U.

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